
Hi sweet boy!

Well, we just got home from an amazing weekend in California visiting Erin and Aaron and their families. There is so much I want to tell you about what we experienced and who these incredible people are that are bringing you into this world and into our lives. I loved getting time with both Aaron and Erin. I couldn’t help but just stare at them as I tried to soak in everything about who they are.

Aaron is strong and athletic. We could tell his parents were proud of his accomplishments in athletics, school, and concert choir.  We love that he’s involved in so many things! We also joked about how he and daddy have similar facial features and expressions. Kinda funny! I can tell he is witty and loves to have fun. His family has figured out quite a few “signs” that helped them decide that we were the right family for you:

Aaron is the youngest of 3 boys and Daddy is the youngest of 3 boys.
Aaron has a brother named Eli and Aunt Kari’s husband is Aaron and their son is Eli.
Caleb, the middle brother, was born on November 23rd (Thanksgiving Day) and Daddy was born on November 23rd (Thanksgiving Day).
My birthday is one day before Aaron’s mom’s, which is the same day as her brother’s birthday.
Erin is the youngest of 2 girls and I am the youngest of 2 girls.
We had our miscarriage in January of ’09 the same week Daddy spoke at the winter camp where Erin and Aaron went when they first started dating (that’s how they knew him when they heard of us adopting). Daddy almost didn’t go because he didn’t want to leave me after our loss but we decided it would be best for him to go and that I would be ok.

I think there are a few more but those are some pretty crazy similarities or “coincidences”. It’s amazing what God will use to bring people together!

Erin is just awesome and I love her to pieces! I first met her when she came to pick me up and take me to her glucose test on Friday morning. She told me it would be boring and we’d have to sit there for an hour but I didn’t care. I would easily sit in a waiting room for hours if it meant getting to know her more and be close to you. The weird thing is, I thought I would be thinking about you a lot more than I actually was. Please know, this was a good thing! I obviously am SO FREAKING EXCITED to meet you and I love you more than words can say. This visit though, I wanted Erin to know that I care about her as a person, not just her as a “birth mom”. She is so special and I feel that God has already knit our hearts together in a unique way. I know this situation is hard for her in different ways, we saw first hand that it is. I’m not sure there are many 18 year olds that would handle it with the strength and grace that Erin is showing. She is beautiful, witty, smart, and courageous. She is my hero.

I mean come on….isn’t she gorgeous?!?!

So much more to share with you about this weekend…I’ll spread it out a bit 🙂

Love you! You are one lucky kiddo…


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2 Comments on “California”

  1. Chris Metzger
    September 2, 2010 at 6:07 am #

    This is great.
    Your story so far has made me think a lot about adopting if there ever comes a time when I am married. I’m almost positive I would.

    All of the coincidences: i should’ve known! The Guard’s are always caught up in some miracle, magical circumstances.

    I will pray for you guys as the baby only gets closer and closer. I know I don’t see you guys very much but I think of you very often.


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