Hi little guy! Been thinking about you a lot this weekend. A girlfriend of mine is moving so she is getting rid of all her baby stuff. She has two little boys, both were born in the Fall so she had TONS of clothes all for the appropriate seasons you’ll go through. Needless to say, I brought home 3 big bags of clothes, plus a “co-sleeper” that will sit right next to our bed at night for you to sleep close to us. Again, being able to do these things is so surreal to me.

I can’t believe you aren’t just in my dreams anymore, but you are very real. You have fingers and toes, you are kicking Erin’s belly and your lungs are learning to inhale and exhale (can you tell I read about your weekly development?!) Just the thought of you actually existing, and pretty confidently joining our family in November has already started to make the last two years of pain and disappointment make sense. It had to be this way so we could find each other. Our lead pastor said something in service this morning that really hit home with me. He talked about being in the middle of a frustrating or trying time and getting angry with God that He isn’t answering your prayer for the situation to change. God sometimes chooses to withhold his power in the middle of our story so that He can accomplish His will in our life. Wow! So true, and so humbling! Who better to trust with our pain than the God of comfort? He is already showing me that if I let go of demanding what I want when I want it, He is faithful to provide exactly what I need exactly when He wants it. So much better than what I could dream up!

Ok, well I totally started this letter planning on it being a short, sweet little “I think about you lots and can’t wait to meet you” but when it comes to you, I’m never short of thoughts 🙂

Is it November yet?!


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